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Kent Film Festival 2015 Awards




Barclays Trophy  (Best Movie)

7 Minute Meals for the Busy Professional

Peter Macpherson

Best Entertaining Film        

Judged by the audience

The Alphabet

Graham Ralls

Acorn Trophy  (Best IAC Club movie)

Mile High Contract

The Video Players

Charlesworth Trophy

(Best Photography)

A Reflective View of London

Graham Ralls

Animation Trophy


Mike Shaw FACI

Open Trophy

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Neil Whitman

Cornwallis Trophy  (One Min. Movie)

Not awarded

Les Holtum Cup  (Documentary)

The Making of a Liberty Bell Replica

Barbara Darby

Les Paine Trophy  (Holiday / Travelogue)

One Man and his Camera

Roy de Boise

Vic Currie Comedy Plate

Not awarded

Johnson Trophy Best Acting

Not awarded

Canterbury Cup  (Sound)

Salute to the 40's

Peter Macpherson

Dennis Minett Plate  (Editing)

One Man and his Camera

Roy de Boise

Mike Turner Drama Award  (Best Drama Movie)

The Legend of the Mad Axeman

Russ Gomm & Philip Mearns

Maiden Trophy  (First Time Winner)


Mike Kersting

Kent Film Festival Trophy  (Best "Other" movie)

The Alphabet

Graham Ralls

Lazer Rush Kent Award  (Kent Subject)

Remembrance Glass

Graham Ralls

Student Open Trophy

Junior Trophy

Not awarded

Student Trophy

Two Minutes

Shona Kinal & Lucy Potter

Highly Commended for a documentary

The People's Park

Graham Evans

Highly Commended for a documentary

The Moving Church

Dorothy Batten

Highly Commended for a documentary

Building a Dream Boat

Mike Shaw FACI

Highly Commended for a documentary

30 Year Challenge

John & Ann Epton


Fields of Blood Red

John Sharp


Slow but Sure

Graham Evans

Table of Trophies to win

Peter Macpherson, winner of the Barclay Trophy for Best film in the Festival.

Graham Ralls winner of the Most Entertaining Film Trophy.